Helpful Resources

If you need help finding ANY resources, please contact us  We can help you find out how to receive a state issued stillbirth certificate, photo editing, support groups and much more.  You do not have to go through this alone.

* Little Love Foundation is not partnered with any of the following, use your own discretion to find the support that suites you.


Bible Verses and Bible Studies for after Baby Loss Turning to God for comfort and healing

Photography Cost Free in hospital photography, retouching, and classes

Funeral/Cremation Cost Assistance and Resources to baby loss specific resources

Memorial Items Jewelry, Cards, Decals, Teddy Bears... (some free of charge)
Cause Specific Baby Loss from specific Cause (Miscarriage, Preemie, SIDS), condition, illness, or syndrome

Books and Movies Some free booklets and books written about baby loss

For Dads Resources Specifically for Dads

For Kids Resources Specifically for children and teens

For Grandparents Resources Specifically for Grandparents

More  Support Groups, Free Online Memorial Pages, Sewing Patterns...

Little Love Foundation Support Group Conveniently on Facebook, but only members can see your posts (not your regular Facebook friends).

Pages to Read
Remembering Baby/Making Keepsakes
Early Loss
Infant Loss and SIDS
Trying again after loss
Operation Christmas Child Shoebox

Support Hotline Numbers
~First Candle: Grief Counselors are available. 24 hours a day at 1-800-221-7437
~Pregnancy Loss Australia 1-800-824-240
~National Suicide Prevention Life Line 1-800-273-8255 available 24/7. Chat online or call. It is a traumatic and difficult time, BUT it does get better.  Even if it feels like it can't it will. Please reach out to trained professionals for help. Please.

Places To Donate Baby items:
Women's Shelter
Local Foster Homes

Breast Milk Donation:
Many mothers choose to help other babies by donating there breast milk. (If you are trying to conceive as soon as you can, ask your doctor if this is something that will effect ovulation.) Contact your local labor and delivery for a milk bank near you.

Mother donates 92 Gallons of breast milk in honor of her stillborn son